Monday, October 11, 2010

Happenings at The Meekhofs!

I havent updated this blog for a very long time! Rich and I have been keeping very busy! Rich is still very busy with work. Teaching and Coaching Cheerleading has kept me quite busy as well. Rich and I are also keeping busy with a Monday Evening Young Married Couples bible study! Rich has recently taken on more of a leadership role on Sunday Mornings at church. He is leading the 9:30 services First Impressions team. I continue to help out at the 9:3o service's Upper Deck, which is filled with children in Kindergarten through second grade. I have taken on 2 cheer teams this year. I am head coach of Hot Shots which is every tuesday evening with girls in grades 4-6. And thursday evenings I am the head coach of Dazzle. Which consists of girls 1-4 grades! The girls are great and off to a great start this season!

I recently had a birthday and turned 26 years old! I must say I have the best family in the world! I recieved money from them and in turn was able to purchase a treadmill! We got a great deal, and also used some other money that we had made by selling our old furniture! I must say I have worked out on it most days this past week and it is so nice having that at home! Its very very convenient! It has proved to be a great birthday present!!

I also want to thank everyone for the many many birthday cards and wishes I recieved! I couldnt ask for better friends and family! Love you all! Here are some pictures from the happenings around our home lately!

My New birthday Present!! Thank you Everyone for helping me purchase a treadmill!!

I got a beautiful boquet of flowers from Macey on my birthday!!

I finally got Rich's wrestling singlet and medals all put together in a shadow box! Now all we need to do is hang it up!

Rich starting our weekend project!

We decided to paint the inside of our garage so Rich could finally hang up his birthday presents!

This is for those of you who think that the little note on a dog's leash is a lie. Macey's leash gave me rope burn. This picture was taken 3 days and many treatments of neosporin later...(mom this is for you! a leash really can cut your legs off! :) )

On Native American Day (Also known as Columbus Day for those of you not in South Dakota) I didnt have to go to school and Macey got a hair cut!!